Frequently asked questions and answers about Zoom integration are listed below.
Please refer to this support page for information about Zoom integration.
I am unable to pre-approve the TimeRex app on the Zoom App Marketplace.
You will need to have an administrator role in your Zoom account in order to pre-approve apps.
If you are not an administrator, please contact your Zoom account administrator to pre-approve the TimeRex app.
Can I connect the same Zoom account to more than one TimeRex account?
You can only connect the same Zoom account to a single TimeRex account.
When I try to connect with Zoom, I get an error message "Could not connect to your Zoom account. Your Zoom account is already connected with another TimeRex account.".
This error occurs when you try to connect the same Zoom account to multiple TimeRex accounts.
Please try connecting with another Zoom account.
Alternatively, you can disconnect the existing integration from the Zoom account side.
Login to your Zoom account
Navigate to the Zoom App Marketplace
Click on "Manage" in the upper right > Click on "Added Apps" in the left column
Find TimeRex and click "Remove"
What happens if I delete my TimeRex account?
When your TimeRex account is deleted, the connection to your Zoom account will be automatically disconnected.
Any Zoom meeting information stored on your TimeRex account will also be deleted.
What happens when a booking is canceled on TimeRex?
When a booking is canceled by you or your guest, any Zoom meetings associated with that booking will be deleted.
What happens to my issued meeting URL if I change my Zoom account?
You can use the meeting URL that you have already issued.
Once the Zoom integration is removed, the Online Meeting Settings of the schedule adjustment calendar will be changed to "Off", so you will need to re-set the Online Meeting Settings to Zoom in each schedule adjustment calendar.
Can I change whether or not a passcode or waiting room is issued for a Zoom meeting issued by TimeRex?
Please refer to the following articles.
Can I use a Personal Meeting ID (PMI) or fixed URL for Zoom URL?
Please refer to the following articles. * Japanese only
Can I use my Personal Meeting ID (PMI)?