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Zapier integration
Updated over 3 months ago

Using Zapier integration, the scheduled date and time, guest names, email address, Uploaded files, etc. can be linked to an external tool when booking is completed or cancelled.

Zapier integration is available for all plans.

What you need for integration

* The Zapier plan required depends on the type and number of external tools to be integrated.

How to set up Zapier integration

Zapier integration can be done through TimeRex account settings or within Zapier.

* TimeRex account settings do not allow you to check whether or not you have Zapier integration (i.e., whether or not Zapier integration is allowed).

* Please prepare at least one confirmed schedule in advance in the schedule adjustment calendar to be connected.

(1) Connect with Zapier from TimeRex account settings

  1. Login to TimeRex.

  2. Access the Account Settings page and select "Zapier" from the "Integrations" menu.

  3. Click on "Connect".

  4. Click on "Connect TimeRex to 6000+ apps" (create a Zapier account).

  5. Login to Zapier or create a Zapier account.

(2) Connect with TimeRex from Zapier

  1. Login to Zapier and open the dashboard.

  2. Click on "Create a Zap from scratch" in the upper right corner.
    * If you click "Try it" after selecting an app from "Switch to classic view", you can do some of the settings after number 3 ahead of time.

  3. Click on "1. Trigger".

  4. Select "TimeRex" from the list of applications (you can search in the search box).

  5. Select the trigger in "Event" and click "Continue".

    • "Event Created": Data linkage when booking is completed

    • "Event Cancelled": Data linkage when booking is cancelled

    • "Event Rescheduled": Data linkage when booking is rescheduled

  6. Login to TimeRex if necessary and select your TimeRex account.

  7. If this is the first time for Zapier integration, a TimeRex authentication screen will appear, so click the "Allow" button.

  8. After selecting the TimeRex account, click "Continue".

  9. From "Choose Team," select the TimeRex team (MySpace or TeamSpace) you wish to connect with in the trigger settings.

  10. Select the name of the schedule adjustment calendar you wish to connect from "Choose Calendar".
    * After number 11, please prepare at least one confirmed schedule in the appropriate schedule adjustment calendar before setting (otherwise, an error will occur).

  11. Click on the "Test trigger" button.

  12. A sample TimeRex schedule will be displayed, click the "Continue with selected record" button to complete the trigger setup.

  13. Select the app you want to link with TimeRex from the list of apps (you can search in the search box).

  14. Please proceed to the settings for each app to see what data you would like to link to the selected app.

How to disconnect Zapier integration

Login to Zapier and select TimeRex from "My Apps".

From the "Connections" tab, find the TimeRex account you wish to remove the linkage with, and then delete it using "Delete" from the menu to remove the connection.

* Even if a Zap remains in "Zaps", it will not be connected if the linkage used in the appropriate Zap is removed from "Connections".

* Restoring a linkage in "Connections" will not restore a Zap once the linkage has been deleted from "Connections," so the Zap must be re-created.

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