When a booking is completed in the schedule adjustment calendar, the data can be posted to Salesforce.
Salesforce integration eliminates the need to manually enter lead information into Salesforce after a booking is completed.
Salesforce integration is available with the Premium Plan.
Please refer to this page for notes on Salesforce integration.
Please refer to this page for information on what to do when errors occur in Salesforce integration.
What you need for integration
Salesforce account that is an API accessible edition
Ref. (Salesforce Help): Salesforce editions with API accessEnterprise Edition
Unlimited Edition
Developer Edition
Performance Edition
Professional Edition (Only if API access is separately supported for a fee)
TimeRex account (Premium Plan)
How to connect TimeRex and Salesforce
By the team owner or administrator, login to TimeRex with your regular Google or Microsoft account
Switch to the appropriate space and click the "Team Settings" button
Click "Salesforce" in the "Integrations" menu to access the Salesforce integration page
Click the "Connect" button
If you are logged out of your Salesforce account, the login screen will appear
Allow access to Salesforce
Click "Allow" to complete integration with TimeRex
How to use Salesforce integration
You can set up Salesforce integration by clicking "Add service Integration" in the "Service Integration" section of the Advanced settings of the schedule adjustment calendar, and then clicking "Salesforce".
If Salesforce integration has been performed since the timing when only new leads could be integrated, the settings are carried over as is.
Specifically, "Lead" in "Objects to be linked", "Not Register" in "Register new behavior", and "Not Update" in "Register new behavior" have been selected.
"Mapping" is also taken over directly from "Setting the information to be retrieved (former setting item name of 'Mapping')".
After setting up the integration according to the screen, click the "Integration" button.
How to disconnect Salesforce and TimeRex
If you wish to cancel the integration between Salesforce and TimeRex, you can do so by clicking the "Disconnect" button on the Salesforce integration page.