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Salesforce integration (Schedule Adjustment Calendar)
Salesforce integration (Schedule Adjustment Calendar)
Updated over a month ago

After the team Owner, Administrator, or Administrator Assistant has integrated TimeRex with Salesforce in the "Team Settings" section, the details of the integration with Salesforce are set in the Schedule Adjustment Calendar for which data is to be posted to Salesforce.

For each Schedule Adjustment Calendar, it is possible to set whether to integrate or not and the content of the post.

For an overview of Salesforce integration and how to integrate Salesforce in "Team Settings", please check this support page.

Please refer to the following support page for details on what you need to be aware of when performing Salesforce integration.

Please refer to the following support page for information on how to respond when an error occurs in Salesforce integration.

Regardless of how TimeRex works, the availability of posts may vary from company to company depending on the "Matching Settings" in Salesforce.

Please refer to the Salesforce Help below for details.

How to set up

You can set up Salesforce integration by clicking "Add service Integration" in the "Service Integration" section of the Advanced settings of the schedule adjustment calendar, and then clicking "Salesforce".


If Salesforce integration has been performed since the timing when only new leads could be integrated, the settings are carried over as is.

Specifically, "Lead" in "Objects to be linked", "Not Register" in "Register new behavior", and "Not Update" in "Register new behavior" have been selected.

"Mapping" is also taken over directly from "Setting the information to be retrieved (former setting item name of 'Mapping')".

After setting up the integration according to the screen, click the "Integration" button.

For details on how to set up, please click here for the Japanese version.

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