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Instant Scheduling FAQ
Updated yesterday

Frequently asked questions and answers about the Instant Scheduling feature are listed below.

For details on how to use the Instant Scheduling feature, please see the support page below.

The "Proceed to date selection" button remains gray and is not clickable.

If there are missing or wrong entries in the creation screen, the "Proceed to date selection" button cannot be pressed.

Please check for any error messages or any of the following that apply.

  • You have not entered a Name

  • You have entered a number other than a single-byte number in the Custom setting of the Event duration.

  • You have entered a number under 15 (minutes) or over 480 (minutes) or a decimal point in the Custom settings of the Event duration

  • You have not selected Participants

  • You have selected 4 or more Participants (3 or more for Free Plan)

  • You have selected a Web Conference tool but have not completed integration with the Web Conference tool

The green candidate slots do not increase when clicked.

The maximum number of candidate slots that can be selected is limited to 10, and the 11th and subsequent slots cannot be selected by clicking on them.

Once you have selected 10 slots, the message "You can select up to 10 possible dates." will appear in the "Candidate dates selected" section on the right side of the screen.

If you wish to select a different candidate slot, click on the green candidate slot or on the candidate dates ✕ button in the "Candidate dates selected" section to reduce the number of candidate slots first.

Can I set up a candidate slot over an existing schedule?

It is possible.

The name of the previously entered appointment, candidate slots, etc. remained in the creation screen.

Even if the "Return" button is pressed in the candidate date selection screen, the selected candidate slots will remain unless the Event duration is changed.

Even if you close the creation screen while creating a page, the appointment name, candidate slots, and other settings remain intact, and you can continue by reopening the creation screen.

However, once you log out or reload the dashboard screen, the contents in the process of creation will be reset.

Candidate slots in the process of being created have disappeared.

Changing the Event duration also changes the candidate slots, so the selected candidate slots will be reset.

Also, once you log out or reload the dashboard screen, the contents in the process of creation, including the selected candidate slots, will be reset.

Some of the candidate dates in the "Candidate dates selected" section of the date selection screen are not shown in the green candidate slots.

If you click the "Return" button in the candidate date selection screen or close the Create screen and then reopen the candidate date selection screen, the candidate dates that have already passed the scheduled start time will remain in the "Candidate dates selected" section, but they will no longer appear as green candidate slots.

In the "Candidate dates selected" section you need to click on the candidate date ✕ button to remove it from the candidate dates.

Candidate slots that are already past the scheduled start time are also included in the selection limit of 10 slots, and if not deleted, will remain as candidate dates when the page is created.

Can I edit candidate slots and settings for a page that has already been created later?

Once the page creation is complete, candidate slots and settings cannot be changed later.

Therefore, it is not possible to edit/add/delete candidate slots at a later date.

Can I move a page that has already been created to another folder?

Moving a page that has already been created to another folder is not supported.

Will the dates and times of the candidate slots created be scheduled on the linked calendar of each participating member?

It will be registered as a tentative schedule.

Once schedule adjustment is completed, all appointments other than the confirmed date and time will be deleted.

Even though the Event duration is 60 minutes, the tentative schedule is registered with a time longer than 60 minutes.

Consecutive candidate days are registered together in one tentative schedule.


If you select [10:00 - 11:00] and [11:00 - 12:00] as candidate slots, one tentative appointment for [10:00 - 12:00] will be registered on the linked calendar.

I have looked at the schedule adjustment page and do not see a single candidate slot available for schedule adjustment.

You may have a duplicate appointment on your own linked calendar.

Once you have done so, turn off the "Display only times when there are no appointments in your linked calendar." toggle button, or check it while logged out of TimeRex.

If none of the slots are still available for schedule adjustment, it is likely that the dates and times of all the slots have passed and only the slots that are not available for schedule adjustment exist.

What happens when I access a schedule adjustment page that contains slots that are past dates and times and cannot be scheduled adjustment?

Slots that are past date and time and cannot be scheduled adjustment will be grayed out.

The dates for which there are slots available for schedule adjustment in the first view are displayed on the leftmost side of the screen.

The date in the first view is not changed even if the candidate slot is covered by an appointment on your own linked calendar.

Dates with only grayed out slots are not shown in the first view, but are displayed when the "< Prev" button is clicked.

If all slots are grayed out, the first slot will be displayed first.

If there are no candidate slots within the time period indicated on the schedule adjustment page, how is it displayed?

If you are viewing a period for which no schedule adjustment slots are available, the message "There are no available slots during this period. Please check the next period." will appear.

You will need to page through the "< Prev"/"Next >" buttons to confirm your slot.

If a slot is covered by an appointment on your own linked calendar, you can check it by turning off the toggle button for "Display only times when there are no appointments in your linked calendar." or by checking while logged out of TimeRex.

What screen is displayed when I access the URL of the schedule adjustment page after the date is confirmed?

The booking completion screen will reappear with the reserved date, time, web conference URL (if set), etc.

Can the guest or host change or cancel the date and time after the date is confirmed?

Instant Scheduling does not support changing or canceling the date and time after the date is confirmed.

Is Instant Scheduling available for smartphones?

Instant Scheduling page creation is supported only for PCs.

Smartphones are also supported for booking operations on the guest side.

Is there a limit to the number of pages Instant Scheduling can create?

There are no restrictions.

An unlimited number of Instant Scheduling pages can be created for all plans.

Can I duplicate an Instant Scheduling page that I have already created?

Duplication of Instant Scheduling pages is not supported.

Can I export confirmed appointments to CSV?

Schedules confirmed by Instant Scheduling do not support CSV export.

Can I send a notification of a completed booking to the chat tools?

Instant Scheduling does not support the integration with chat tools (Slack, Chatwork, Microsoft Teams Chat).

Can I use the Instant Scheduling feature on MySpace?

Instant Scheduling feature is not supported by MySpace.

Please use the Team Space.

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