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Cancel plan (Delete Team)
Updated this week

Only the owner of the team can cancel a plan (delete a team).

Please read the notes before executing the cancellation.

If you want to delete your TimeRex account, please see Delete Account.


Upon cancellation, you will immediately lose access to the cancelled team.

Even if you have a few days left before your next payment, you will not be able to view the scheduling calendar or download receipts from your team space.

* Receipt is also attached to the completed payment email

If you are using invoice payment and wish to cancel your team, please contact us using the messenger icon in the lower right corner.

How to cancel a plan (For PC)

  1. Login to TimeRex by the team owner and access the dashboard.

  2. Click on the team name displayed in the upper left corner.

  3. Click on the appropriate team space in the "Change Space" field.

  4. Click on the "Team Settings" button.
    (On a smartphone, go to "Settings" in the lower right corner > Team Settings)

  5. Click on "Plan" from the left sidebar.

  6. You can cancel your plan by clicking on "Cancel plan (Delete Team)" at the bottom of the page.

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